We couldn’t decide which book is the best one and who is the favourite character. The mostly mentioned book was the sixth story The Pyramids, that stands aside the series and only four characters appear in the other books.

Here came out a question: Which book should a beginner read as a first step to the Discworld. What do you think? (Use comments below)
My personal opinion is that the best books are those at the beginning of the series as all motives are new and surprising. Maybe later characters are described more in detail and during time they change, but in the first two books there is the naive tourist Twoflower, that is described perfectly by only one sentence.
We also mentioned Jan Kantůrek, the Czech translator of the Discworld. Terry Pratchett says, that the best translations are into Czech and into Dutch. But Kantůrek had problems with the English language, because he only holds the English-Czech vocabulary in his head but he can’t speak English. He usually has to have two or three snifters before he finds the courage to talk to Terry Pratchett. During their first meeting Kantůrek had an interpreter and Pratchett was shocked. By the way, Kantůrek is an amateur theatre star and usually plays the Librarian (orangutan, no monkey) from

Later we had time for a little game. Our small company divided into two groups - the Dark and the White one and we played something that could be called an Activity game. Each group prepared for the other one some terms from the fantasy literature and one player tried to express the word to her/his co-players by pantomime, depicting or drawing a picture . There sure were good actors and painters among us.
Dark group (around left table) tries to guess right Mr.M´s acting
1 comment:
I visited the Library Book Club for the first time. I spent a pleasant evening despite of the fact that fantasy books are not my most favourite ones. The atmosphere was very open and friendly, the conversation just flowed. Everyone had something to say, no matter wheather it was an eager fantasy-fan or not. I gained some new information concerning fantasy literature, its authors and heroes. In the end we enjoyed ourselves a lot while playing the "Action game". I certainly am looking forward to our next meeting! Hope you all come! See you on March, 17th.
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