Dear readers,
Last meeting was about Literature for women and in the beginning we tried to answer this quiz. Answers below.
1. The names of three famous English writers of the 1840s and 1850s?

(Because it's too easy, there are no options.)
2. Which Brönte sister wrote The Professor?
A. Anna
B. Charlotte
C. Emily
3. When did Jane Austen get married?
A. 1757 (when she was 18)
B. 1816 (one year before her death)
C. she never get married
4. Whole name of Virginia Woolf is:
A. Adeline Virginia Woolf
B. Barbara Virginia Woolf
C. Marie Virginia Woolf
5. Marjane Satrapi, author of graphic novel Persepolis was born in:
A. Iraq
B. Iran
C. Israel
6. Who is the author of The Six Bullerby Children?
A. Dagmar Lange
B. Sara Lidman
C. Astrid Lindgren
7. The most famous Czech female writer is:
A. Božena Němcová
B. Magdalena Dobromila Rettigová
C. Marie Pujmanová
8. The richest female writer is:
A. Helen Fielding
B. J. K. Rowling
C. Gina B. Nahai
9. The pen name of Mary Anne Evans:
A. George Eliot
B. James Joyce
C. Adam Bede
10. Who is the author of this title:
Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1861 to which are prefixed and added extracts from the same journal giving an account of earlier visits to Scotland, and tours in England and Ireland, and yachting excursions
Correct answers:
1. Brönte sisters - Anna, Charlotte, Emily
2B - first novel by Charlotte Brönte - published posthumously
4A - but her original name was Adeline Virginia Stephen
5B - now Satrapi lives in France
6C - She is the best remembered for writing the Pipi Longstocking
7A - Author of the novel Babička (Grandma)
8B - Author of Harry Potter series
9A - She was an English novelist, one of the leading writers of the Victorian era
10 - Queen Victoria