
Fairy Tales

Dear readers,

here is the report from the meeting about Fairy Tales. The author is Marta that held this meeting.

At the beginning of our fairy evening we used the folklorist classification of folk tales and tried to explain some expressions. Than some famous tales collectors as Němcová, Erben, Dobšinský, brothers Grimms were mentioned.

We had fun during listening to Astrid Lindgren short story „Older sister and younger brother“ – a story where an older sister is trying to tell a fairy tale to her younger brother.

Classic fairy tales are always full of several archetypes of character, they are spread all over the world, though some story details may differ (as for example Czech, Slovak and English Cinderella version). It was also interesting to hear that the tale of the Greco-Egyptian girl Rhodopis, recorded in the 1st century BC, was considered the oldest known version of the story

Sometimes life is like a fairy tale, but not each story finishes with a happy ending. Lida Baarova story was given as a good example.

All of us liked very much another story about the girl, who did not agree with marriage and lived happily on her own ever after.

And before saying goodbye an old Chinese story about first storyteller was retold and I hope we all spent a nice time by returning to our childhood – at least for a while.

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